Survey Methods

National Poll on Healthy Aging (NPHA) surveys are fielded twice per year online and by telephone to a randomly selected, stratified group of over 2,600 US adults age 50 and older drawn from NORC’s AmeriSpeak® Panel, a nationally representative probability-based panel of US households, with oversampling of non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic populations. Data collected from this panel are weighted to national Census benchmarks.

Waves 1-8 (April 2017-January 2021) of the NPHA were fielded online to US adults age 50 to 80 who were participants in the Ipsos KnowledgePanel®. Beginning  with Wave 9 in August 2021, NPHA surveys are conducted using NORC’s AmeriSpeak® Panel.  Starting with Wave 13 in July/August 2023, the survey was completed by an additional sample of Michigan residents age 50 to 80. Wave 14 in February/March 2024 expanded the respondent age range to 50 and up, including adults over the age of 80 for the first time.

Michigan Poll on Healthy Aging surveys are fielded twice per year alongside the NPHA using a sample of approximately 900 Michigan residents ages 50 and older drawn from NORC’s AmeriSpeak® panel as well as non-probability samples. The probability and non-probability samples are combined and calibrated using TrueNorth®, an advanced statistical technique that involves calibration of the combined samples to both statewide Census population benchmarks and estimates from small area models so as to accurately reflect Michigan population figures from the US Census and reduce known biases in non-probability samples.

Findings from the NPHA and the Michigan poll do not represent the opinions of the University of Michigan, AARP or the Michigan Health Endowment Fund. The University of Michigan reserves all rights over this material.

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